CrossFit – Wed, Nov 22


CrossFit – Wed, Nov 22


**NOVEMBER CHALLENGE** Bring-A-Friend Challenge.

Get a tally each time your guest shows up the whole month. If they do not have an active membership and they come because of you…it counts! If they have ever had a membership and come BACK because of you…it’s double points!


Thanksgiving Week Schudule

Monday – Wednesday

Normal Schedule


7am | Thanksgiving Funday




10am | Community Workout


1:30pm | Sunday Funday


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

Thanksgiving Stuffing (3 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP in 12 Minutes in Partners

Partner 1: 20 Box Jumps (20/16, Rx+= All the way overs)

Partner 2: Max Sumo Deadlift High-pulls(Kettlebell, 53/35, Rx+=Heavier)

– then switch –

— Rest 3 minutes —

AMRAP in 12 Minutes in Partners

Partner 1: 20 Calorie Row (15 for women)

Partner 2: Max Reps Clean & Jerk (95/65, RX+=135/95, Beastmode=155/105)

– then switch –

— Rest 3 minutes —

AMRAP in 12 Minutes in Partners

Partner 1: 20 Weighted Sit-ups (20/10, RX+=35/20)

Partner 2: Max Dumbbell Snatches (35/20, Rx+=50/35)

– then switch –

*Both Partners working at the same time.

* Total number between both parters.