CrossFit – Sat, Dec 10
**Christmas Party RSVP**
You and whoever you want to bring with you should, like, totally come to our Christmas Party!
Saturday, December 17 @ 7pm. Click here to RSVP: https://forms.gle/eTfrJMbnL31ikkFbA
Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
Workout of the Day
Workout of the Day (Time)
Partner Workout For Time:
100/80 Calorie Row & Farmer’s Carry*
80 Single Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35)
60 Single Dumbbell Step Ups (24/20)
*200 Meter Double Dumbbell Farmers Carry (53s/35s Kettlebells or 50/35 Dumbbells)
Split as needed.Both partners can work at the same time the Row & Farmer’s Carry. The Dumbbell movements are only one partner working at a time.