


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

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Workout of the Day

Damn Diane (Time)

3 Rounds for Time

15 Deadlifts (315/205)

15 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups (3.5/2 in)

Metcon (Time)

Scaled Damn Diane

3 Rounds for Time:

15 Deadlifts (225/155)

15 Hand-Release Push-ups

Metcon (Time)

Foundations Damn Diane

3 Rounds for Time:

15 Deadlifts (185/135)

15 Knee Push-ups


Because these 03 Rounds are fast and furious, we will partner up and go in 2 heats. Use a small whiteboard to count and keep track of your partner’s completed rounds and reps for them! This way the working partner doesn’t have to worry about keeping track!

Metcon (Time)

03 Rounds For Time:

10 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (35/20, 24″/20″)

05 Burpee Over Dumbbell