CrossFit – Sun, Aug 27


CrossFit – Sun, Aug 27



Most PRs (Personal Records) or Gold Stars all Month!!


Weekend Schedule

Saturday | 9am
Fundamentals. RSVP required with a simple email to [email protected]

Saturday | 10am
FREE Community Workout!

Sunday | 1:30pm
Sunday Funday. A long, hard, fun workout that is easily scalable for any & everyone. “Challenge accepted” attitude required!


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

Workout of the Day

Jerry (Time)

For Time:

1-Mile Run

2k Row

1-Mile Run
In honor of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.
To learn more about Jerry click here

Team Regional Event 1 (partner) (Time)

For Time:
500m Run
24 Handstand Push-ups (6 Wall-Walks)
24 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
500m Run
28 Handstand Push-ups (7 Wall-Walks)
28 Dumbbell Snatches
500m Run
32 Handstand Push-ups (8 Wall-Walks)
32 Dumbbell Snatches