Lil Beast 7/17/19
Palo Duro CrossFit – Lil Beasts
Clean Up
Cones, small plates and ab mats scattered around gym. Separated into 2 teams. Beasts have 2min to move as much equipment to other teams side. Can only pick up one item at a time
Have kids move in different way each game– crab walk, bear crawl, two feet together hops
Losing team has 20 Jumping Jacks
Skeeter’s Nutrition
How can I be active on my own?
Skill Work
none (:
Workout of the Day
8min AMRAP
1 burpee, run
2 burpees, run
3 burpees, run
4 burpees, run
Octopus Tag
Beasts run across gym and become octopuses on the ground once tagged. Winner is it next!