Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
In Partners, for Time:
16 Synchro Squat Cleans (95/65, Rx+=135/95)
12 Synchro Burpee Box Jumps (30/24, Rx+=36/30)
14 Synchro Squat Cleans (115/75, Rx+=165/115)
14 Synchro Burpee Box Jumps (24/20, Rx+=30/24)
10 Synchro Squat Cleans (135/95, Rx+=195/135)
16 Synchro Burpee Box Jumps (20/16, Rx+=24/20)
Squat Clean (10 Minutes to Establish 01 Rep Max Squat Clean)
From the time you and your partner the workout, you have exactly 10 Minutes to Max out your Squat Clean.