


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

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Floor Press (4 reps EMOM (alternating) for 12 Minutes )

*In Partners complete 4 Reps Every OTHER minute (alternating minutes) for 12 Minutes.

Workout of the Day

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Partner WOD

AMRAP in 14 Minutes (reps)

While one partner completes

10 Lateral Bar Hops (L/R=1)

10 Hand Release Push Ups

The other partner completes

As many Med Ball Thrusters (20/14) as possible.

*Keep a running total of Med Ball Thrusters

*The score will be TOTAL Med Ball Thrusters between the two partners.
**If there needs to be a group of 3, the 3 partners will choose 1 partner to be the “common partner.” The group will have 2 Bars & 2 Med Balls. The group will switch movements when the “common partner” completes the 10 & 10 set. The “common partner” will switch back to the 10 & 10 set only after BOTH other partners complete the 10 & 10 set. Each partner will keep count of their own thrusters and then add that amount to the “common partner’s” thruster total.