CrossFit – Wed, Feb 1
The Open at Palo Duro CrossFit
Welcome to The Open Season! First, let’s just get real about The CrossFit Open. The Open is a three-weekworldwide competition to find the fittest person on earth and, hate to break it to you, but that’s probably not going to be you. No offense… you look great and are super fit, but you’re not anywhere near the professional worker-out-ers’ level. So, now that we have that out of the way, we can have a real talk about participating in The Open.
Participating is easy, fun, and something that we highly encourage you to do! The CrossFit Open gives athletes of all ages, body types, and ability levels a chance to challenge themselves over a three-week period, starting Thursday, Feb. 16. During these three weeks we will be doing The Open workout of the week in all of our Friday Classes, we will have a special Friday Night Lights Class at 6pm, and we will be doing the workout of the week again at our Sunday Funday Class. Anyone can come and work out at any of these classes,you do not have to formally sign up for The Open to come to a Friday or Sunday Class.
This year we are doing MALES vs FEMALES for our In-House Open! Team FRAN vs Team MURPH!! All you have to do is sign-up on the whiteboard to participate. You earn points for your team by working out, judging someone working out, and cheering others on.
Sign-up for the In-House Open: On Whiteboard at the gym.
Sign-up for The Open:
Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
Ring Dips (12 Minutes to Complete 04 Max Effort Unbroken Sets)
Workout of the Day
Workout of the Day (Weight)
Every 04 Minutes for 04 Rounds
20 Love Taps over Standing Dumbbell (L/R=1, 35/20)
20/14 Hand-Release Push-ups
01 Barbell Complex**
01 Power Clean +
01 Hang Squat Clean +
01 Jerk
*Score = Weight on Barbell