
Membership Options

Select one of our membership options to start training with us!

No Contract Pricing

2x/week = $80/month
3x/week = $95/month
unlimited = $120/month


2x/week = $125/month
3x/week = $150/month
unlimited = $190/month

One-Year Contract

or Cash Up Front Pricing

2x/week = $70/month
3x/week = $85/month
unlimited = $110/month


2x/week = $115/month
3x/week = $140/month
unlimited = $180/month

Two-Year Contract

or Cash Up Front Pricing

2x/week = $65/month
3x/week = $80/month
unlimited = $100/month


2x/week = $105/month
3x/week = $130/month
unlimited = $170/month


20% for Spouse (see couples pricing). 20% per child.
10% for Military, First Responders, & Teachers.
20% for Full-time Students.

* Discounts do not apply to the 1 or 2 year contracts.


$10 Drop-in fee. Or buy a t-shirt & workout for free! If you are visiting for an extended period, please let us know so we can work out a way to accommodate you while you’re in town!

    Fill out the form a FREE WEEK TRIAL

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