Day 5 Billion And 8
Text any and all home workout pictures to 806-553-0577 (The PDCF number). We want to see you all in your home environments!!
Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit at Home
Skill Work
Metcon (Weight)
Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes
Single Leg RDL
Odd- Right Leg 5 Reps
Even- Left Leg 5 Reps
*Can be done holding any single object.
Weights too light? Double the reps!
RDL Demo:
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
10-1 & 1-10 Ladder For Time:
10 Handstand Push-Ups
01 Lungster
09 Handstand Push-Ups
02 Lungsters
08 Handstand Push-Ups
03 Lungsters
07 Handstand Push-Ups
04 Lungsters
06 Handstand Push-Ups
05 Lungsters
05 Handstand Push-Ups
06 Lungsters
04 Handstand Push-Ups
07 Lungsters
03 Handstand Push-Ups
08 Lungsters
02 Handstand Push-Ups
09 Lungsters
01 Handstand Push-Up
10 Lungsters
*Lungster can be done with barbell, 1 or 2 Dumbbells, Sandbag, or anything else you can hold in the Front Rack.