CrossFit – Mon, Nov 20


CrossFit – Mon, Nov 20


**NOVEMBER CHALLENGE** Bring-A-Friend Challenge.

Get a tally each time your guest shows up the whole month. If they do not have an active membership and they come because of you…it counts! If they have ever had a membership and come BACK because of you…it’s double points!


Thanksgiving Week Schudule

Monday – Wednesday

Normal Schedule


7am | Thanksgiving Funday




10am | Community Workout


1:30pm | Sunday Funday


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

Core Conditioning

Core Complex 3 (Time)

05 Rounds for Time
10 Straight Arm Weightplate Sit-ups (25/15)
10 Full-Range Weightplate Sit-ups (Touch plate behind head. 25/15)
10 Russian Twists (L/R=1, 25/15)
10 Single Leg V-ups
01 Minute of Rest

Workout of the Day

Workout of the Day (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner Workout 18 Minute AMRAP

10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

10 Front Squats (95/65)

10 Dumbbell Hang Snatches (35/20)

10 Push Presses

10 Burpees

10 Deadlifts (225/155)

200m Partner Run
*Partner 1will do movements 1,3,5 while partner 2 does 2,4,6. Run together, then switch movements.