Functional movements are movements that prepare you for life. Functional movements are squatting, running, jumping, throwing, pulling, lifting things off the ground & lifting things overhead. These movements are found everywhere in everyday life and pre-date any gym.
Everything we do is timed and measured against the group at large. This creates immediate accountability and healthy competition. Every workout has a clock and is started at 3, 2, 1…Go! You will always compete against yourself and the clock. These factors drive the workouts to be performed at a high intensity.
All workouts are always measured against a clock. The force output of all movements, lifts, & workouts can be calculated for each athlete in each workout.
All workouts are done together in a group format and are started at the same time (unless started in heats).
All movements, lifts, & workouts can be modified to custom fit every person’s level of athleticism. Any person, with any level of fitness, can do every one of our workouts!