Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
Bench Press (5 x 8 )
65% of 1 RM
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
12 Rounds For Time
25 Double Unders (or 75 Singles)
03 Power Snatches & 3 Overhead Squats
*Each athlete will do 2 rounds at each weight. Switching weight after completing 2 rounds. Alternate between partners every other round. The resting partner can switch weight during the other partners Jump Ropes.
Rx: Rounds
1 & 2: 75/55
3 & 4: 95/65
5 & 6: 115/75
Rx+: Rounds
1 & 2: 95/65
3 & 4: 115/75
5 & 6: 135/95