Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
Every 3 Minutes complete 06 Reps of Bench Press
Every Minute complete a Max Effort set of Diamond Push-ups
Bench Press (06 Reps E3MOM for 12 Minutes )
Diamond Push-ups (Max Effort sets EMOM for 12 Minutes )
With your hands forming a diamond, descend down, touching your chest to your hands and then extend back up until arms are locked out.
Your score is TOTAL Diamond Push-ups complete.
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
For Time
50 Thrusters Each (95/65, Rx+=115/75)
*Only one partner working at a time.
* Every time you set down the bar complete 20 Med-ball (20/14) toss sit-ups over a 24″ Box.
*Switching who is working counts as setting down the bar, no handing the bar to each other either. 🙂