**NOVEMBER CHALLENGE** Bring-A-Friend Challenge.
Get a tally each time your guest shows up the whole month. If they do not have an active membership and they come because of you…it counts! If they have ever had a membership and come BACK because of you…it’s double points!
Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
Negative Handstand Complex (Max Sets E3MOM for 09 Minutes
Kick up + 3 Second Decent + Strict Press Up
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
05 Rounds for Time:
15 PVC Pipe Sit-ups
15 Barbell Movements*
01: Power Cleans
02: Front Squats
03: Push-Press
04: Thrusters
05: Clusters
Rx=95/65, Rx+=135/95