


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

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Workout of the Day

Black Friday Special (Time)

In Partners for Time:

Run/Row 200m (together)

100 Double-Unders/300 singles

Run/Row 200m (Partner 1)

100 Power Cleans (95/65)

Run/Row 200m (Partner 2)

100 Pull-ups

Run/Row 200m (Partner 1)

100 Wall-Balls (20/14, 10’/9″)

Run/Row 200m (Partner 2)

100 Burpees

Run/Row 200m (Partner 1)

100 KB Swings 53/35

Run/Row 200m (Partner 2)

100 second plank hold

Run/Row 200m (together)

100 Knees to Elbows

*only one partner working at a time

Black Friday Burn Off (Time)

100 Air Squats

90 Sit-ups

80 Walking Lunges

70 KB Swings (50/35)

60 Box Jumps (24/20)

50 KB Sumo High Pulls

40 Pull-Ups

30 Handstand Pushups

20 Calorie Row

10 Burpees