Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
Good Mornings (5 Reps EOMOM for 10 Minutes )
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
1-10 | 10-1 Ladder for Time:
Ring Dips & Squat Snatches (75/55)
01 Ring Dip | 10 Squat Snatches
02 Ring Dips | 09 Squat Snatches
03 Ring Dips | 08 Squat Snatches
04 Ring Dips | 07 Squat Snatches
05 Ring Dips | 06 Squat Snatches
06 Ring Dips | 05 Squat Snatches
07 Ring Dips | 04 Squat Snatches
08 Ring Dips | 03 Squat Snatches
09 Ring Dips | 02 Squat Snatches
10 Ring Dips | 01 Squat Snatch