Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit
EOMOM for 10 Minutes
Even: Max Pistols
Odd: Max Weighted Sit-ups in :30
Pistols (Max Reps EOMOM for 10 Minutes)
Weighted Sit-ups (Max Reps in :30 EOMOM for 10 Minutes)
Pick a heavy weight & record in notes!
Workout of the Day
Tabata Barbell (4 Rounds for reps)
Tabata Deadlift (185/125)
1 Minute of Rest
Tabata Hang Power Clean (135/95)
1 Minute of Rest
Tabata Front Squat (95/65)
1 Minute of Rest
Tabata Push Press (75/55)
*Tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.
*Score is LOWEST reps per movement in the 8 rounds.