


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

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Box Squats (4 Reps EOMOM for 12 Minutes )

Using a 16″ or 20″ Box, perform a full squat until you come to a complete resting & seated position on the box, then stand the weight back up.

Workout of the Day

20 Minute Time Cap

Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds For Time

15 Deadlifts (Bodyweight, Rx+=1.5 Bodyweight)

100m Run Forwards

200m Run Backwards

100m Run Forwards

15 Handstand Push-ups

100m Run Forwards

200m Run Backwards

100m Run Forwards
Run forward to the 200m mark, run backward to the 400m and backward back to the 200m mark, run forward back to the gym.