


Palo Duro CrossFit – CrossFit

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Every 03 Minutes on the Minute for 12 Minutes

06 Back Rack Step Back Lunges

06 Love Taps over Standing Dumbbell (L/R=1)

Back Rack Lunge (06 Reps E3MOM for 12 Minutes )

6 total steps (3/leg) per round. Increase weight to finish as heavy as possible.

Love Taps (06 Reps E3MOM for 12 Minutes )

In a seated position with your legs fully extended and a Kettle-bell positioned at your feet. Tap your heels on the left side of a Kettle-bell then lift them over and tap them on the right side of a Kettle-bell.

Workout of the Day

Metcon (Time)

03-09-15-21-15-09-03 Reps for Time:

Deadlifts (155/100, Rx+=205/135)

200m Run*
Complete a 200m Run between each set only. The workout starts with 03 deadlifts and ends when you finish the last set of deadlifts.